Renewable Energy
Solar photovoltaic cells are rapidly becoming a more prominent and critical part of our renewable energy future. Gradiant works closely with industry-leading manufacturers to solve their water and wastewater challenges, innovating novel solutions, optimizing capital scope, and minimizing operational costs.
Fast Facts
Location: Tamil Nadu, India
End User: One of India’s largest companies’ Solar PV
Manufacturing business
Solution: Industrial Wastewater & Recycling
Industry: Renewable Energy
Feedwater Source: Process Wastewater
Technology: ROI, Selective Contaminant Extraction (SCE), CURE Chemicals
System Capacity: 8,100 m3 /day
Commissioning: 2024
Delivery Model: Design-Build, Commissioning, Operate & Maintain (O&M)
The Challenge
The Solution
Gradiant is delivering a high recovery RO Infinity (ROI) system, and pretreatment and ultrafiltration (UF) to the client for an industrial wastewater and recycling solution. The integrated facility will treat the complicated wastewater streams from solar PV manufacturing to allow for recycling and reuse in their upstream processes, helping our client minimize their water footprint and meet sustainability goals.
Gradiant created two flowsheets for the process and burnbox effluent streams, combining selective contaminant extraction (SCE) and RO Inifinty (ROI) technologies for both ammonia and fluoride removal, as well as treating water that is reused on-site. Gradiant is also providing chemicals and O&M services to ensure consistent and reliable operations.
The Benefits
By taking a value engineering approach early in the project, the Gradiant team was able to fast-track a viable solution for the customer. The client recognized this was a significant feat given the complex waste streams and a compressed project timeframe, which could only have been achieved through simplifying startup, commissioning, and ongoing operations for the client as part of an integrated solution.
The ROI system will recover up to 85% of the wastewater for on-site use and achieve ZLD limits. The future-proofed design will also increase plant capacity as the customer innovates new products and creates additional waste streams.
Impact Stats
PV Cell & Module Manufacturing
Up to 85% Recovery of wastewater for beneficial reuse on-site
Up to 6,885 m3/day in freshwater
Metric tons CO2 offset from PV
cells & modules
Figures & Images
Operation and Maintenace Process Flow Diagram

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Gradiant, the Gradiant Logo, and all service marks denoted with ™ or ® are owned by affiliates of Gradiant Corporation unless otherwise noted. © 2024 Gradiant.