
Gradiant 2019: A Year in Review

WOBURN, Mass. & SINGAPORE – (BUSINESS WIRE) – Gradiant Corporation has had an incredible 2019 with rapid growth and market traction across its regional divisions, technological offerings, field operations, and market segments, giving the company a high degree of confidence in its 2020 forecasts. Gradiant’s technologies and services continue to make its customer base more environmentally friendly by reducing their wastewater disposal, minimizing fresh water consumption, and increasing overall sustainability of their operations.

The company successfully demonstrated its newest product, the Counterflow Reverse Osmosis (CFRO) for both high recovery seawater desalination as well as ZLD-level industrial effluent treatment. The seawater brine concentration project in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia promises to double the plant’s fresh water capacity at lower cost than installing new seawater RO capacity and without increasing the environmental footprint of the operation. CFRO was also demonstrated for treatment of textile effluent in India giving Gradiant extreme competitive edge in textile and the broader industrial effluent treatment market.

Gradiant Energy Services continues to be a leader in water treatment and recycling in the US oil & gas industry. In 2019 the company re-introduced its flagship technology, Carrier Gas Extraction (CGE) in the Permian basin with a supermajor and increased recycling capacity with two other supermajors across Texas and New Mexico. The US team also completed a project for the US Air Force for managing perfluorinated alkylated substances (PFAS) in water at a base in Florida, potentially opening a compelling opportunity for Gradiant.

Gradiant India successfully completed pilot projects in the pharmaceutical and dyestuff sectors while commissioning commercial scale operations for textile and chemical manufacturing effluent treatment. Increasing water scarcity and environmental regulation makes India a rapidly expanding effluent treatment and seawater desalination market. 2019 developments have positioned the company to create a lasting commercial and societal impact in this region.

Gradiant China received significant grant funding from the Ningbo government where the company has set up its China HQ. With operating projects in coal power, garbage incineration, and coal-to-chemicals industries, Gradiant China developed the critical mass to scale the business for 2020.

In Southeast Asia, Gradiant secured ZLD contracts with a multi-national pharmaceutical company and a global dyes manufacturer while expanding its sales and engineering teams in the Singapore office.

Gradiant looks at 2020 as the year to solidify its presence as a global leader in technology driven industrial water treatment and desalination. With demonstrated profitability and real environmental impact across U.S., China, and India, the company will further branch into Australia and Middle East this coming year. True to our R&D DNA, Gradiant also expects to reveal a new technological offering in 2020. This coming year and beyond we continue to work towards our founding mission of being stewards of the planet’s water resources and enabling global industrial growth in harmony with nature.

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