Gradiant’s Kaarthic Madhavan, Steven Lam, and Subbu Sethuraman with Wolfgang Dornfeld and the GF Piping Systems team at announcement ceremony in Singapore
Strategic partnership strengthens Gradiant’s ability to deliver high-performance water treatment solutions for mission-critical industries worldwide
BOSTON, Massachusetts – January 23, 2025 - Gradiant, a global leader in advanced water and wastewater treatment, today announced a strategic partnership with GF Piping Systems, a leading flow solutions provider. This collaboration solidifies Gradiant’s capabilities to deliver high-performance, state-of-the-art water treatment solutions to the world’s essential industries, including semiconductors, pharmaceuticals, and critical minerals, while reinforcing its leadership in the global water industry.
Under the terms of the non-exclusive agreement, GF Piping Systems will provide Gradiant with defined products and services, ensuring seamless project execution at key facilities worldwide. GF’s robust international support network will provide Gradiant with access to around-the-clock technical expertise and on-site assistance, ensuring the timely and reliable delivery of Gradiant’s solutions to meet the demanding needs of mission-critical industries.
GF Piping Systems brings over 30 years of expertise in advanced materials, leading prefabrication capabilities, and rapid delivery to meet the complex demands of large-scale water treatment projects across the globe. GF Piping Systems’ high-performance materials, automation systems, and global services for the entire water cycle are designed to optimize efficiency and reliability, ensuring that critical infrastructure performs to the highest standards.
“This partnership combines Gradiant’s advanced water treatment technologies and process expertise with GF Piping Systems’ experience in precision flow solutions,” said Govind Alagappan, President of Gradiant. “Together, we are empowering the world’s essential industries that rely on us to achieve greater efficiency, sustainability, and resilience in their water operations.”
“Our partnership with Gradiant is a natural fit,” states Wolfgang Dornfeld, Head of Business Unit Asia at GF Piping Systems. “We are both committed to driving technological advancements for sustainable water treatment through collaborative research and development. Thanks to our global footprint, we can support Gradiant’s projects around the world with our reliable and innovative piping solutions and service portfolio.”
The partnership was celebrated at GF Piping Systems’ Customer Experience Center in Singapore with the handover of its 100-- IR-63M infrared welding machine, symbolizing the collaboration’s focus on innovation and sustainability. The state-of-the-art welding machine will complement Gradiant’s Global Innovation Center in Singapore, a recognized hub for water technology innovation, driving groundbreaking advancements in industrial water treatment to address the world’s most important water challenges.
關於 Gradiant
Gradiant 是一家與眾不同的水務公司。該公司擁有一整套與眾不同的專有端到端先進水處理和廢水處理解決方案,由水務領域的頂尖人才提供支持,服務於全球重要行業客戶的關鍵任務運營,包括半導體、製藥、食品飲料、鋰和關鍵礦產以及再生能源。 Gradiant 的創新解決方案可減少用水量和廢水排放量,回收寶貴資源,並將廢水再生為淡水。這家總部位於波士頓的公司成立於麻省理工學院,在全球擁有 1000 多名員工。了解更多信息,請造訪
Felix Wang
[email protected]