Water Matters More Than Ever
Escalating environmental challenges, technological advancements, geopolitical pressures, and evolving business models are setting up the industrial water sector for significant transformation. Explore the four biggest trends that will have the biggest impact on the industrial water sector in the coming months.
Businesses are acknowledging the strategic value of water management, seeing it not just as a moral imperative but as essential for their ROI through initiatives like water conservation and reuse.
La importancia cada vez mayor de los informes de sostenibilidad pone de relieve esta tendencia, con líderes industriales mundiales como Micon que establecen objetivos para lograr la conservación del agua 100% a través de la reutilización, el reciclaje y la restauración en determinados centros de fabricación de chips. Este cambio está impulsado por los argumentos empresariales a favor de la gestión del agua, los avances tecnológicos y las exigencias de sostenibilidad de las partes interesadas en las cadenas de suministro.
Reports from organizations like the UN Global Compact and the CEO Water Mandate highlight the direct threats of climate change on water availability, affecting businesses and communities. With billions living in water-stressed areas and a significant financial risk to companies due to water scarcity, the economic incentives for sustainable water management are becoming undeniable.
Quantifying sustainability can yield tremendous cost-savings for organizations, but care must be taken to report results properly. Gradiant is helping organizations operationalize sustainability commitments with customized solutions that drive value and growth.
The trend of increased environmental and water sustainability reporting in 2024 is likely to be influenced by several key developments observed in 2023: growing water sustainability reporting, adoption of climate-related disclosure standards, and Scope 3 Emissions accounting.
Water sustainability reporting among FTSE 100 companies indicates a growing recognition of the importance of detailed environmental disclosures. Improved regulatory frameworks to foster comprehensive reporting on water sustainability management, and indicates that regulatory pressure will continue to drive transparency and action.
The adoption of climate-related disclosure standards is accelerating. Increasing adherence to these recommendations highlights a shift towards more transparent environmental reporting practices. Firms appear more inclined to disclose their environmental impacts, including water usage and management, in response to both regulatory requirements and stakeholder expectations.
ICMM's Scope 3 Emissions Accounting and Reporting Guidance offers a framework for mining and metals companies to report on their value chain emissions. This guidance paves the way for enhanced collaborative action to mitigate environmental impacts.
The adoption of climate-related disclosure standards is accelerating. Increasing adherence to these recommendations highlights a shift towards more transparent environmental reporting practices. Firms appear more inclined to disclose their environmental impacts, including water usage and management, in response to both regulatory requirements and stakeholder expectations.
El consumo de agua de la industria de semiconductores es un problema crítico no sólo en Estados Unidos, sino también a escala mundial en zonas como Taiwán y Corea, donde la presencia de fábricas de chips ha provocado conflictos por los recursos hídricos. The need for responsible water usage and innovative water management solutions is becoming increasingly important as the semiconductor industry continues to grow.
Advancements in water reuse technology are becoming increasingly critical as tech companies, including those in semiconductor manufacturing and data center operations, continue to expand. These industries are among the highest volume water users, with data centers in particular being prime candidates for water recycling technologies due to their substantial cooling requirements.
The push for water reuse reflects a broader trend across various industries towards sustainability and environmental stewardship. The adoption of onsite or decentralized reuse systems by tech companies is growing, with significant investments being made to reduce water supply costs, secure water exempt from drought-related cutbacks, and enhance their environmental reputation.
With water stress and scarcity becoming more prevalent due to climate volatility and drought, the importance of water reuse technologies cannot be overstated. These technologies not only ensure a sustainable water supply but also highlight the tech industry's role in leading by example when it comes to environmental conservation and sustainability efforts.
Companies like Gradiant are leading the charge by offering advanced water recycling technologies that enable chip fabs to reuse up to 90% of wastewater for systems directly onsite. This not only significantly reduces utility costs and improves energy efficiency but also contributes to achieving water resilience and sustainability goals.
With the integration of digital twins, predictive analytics, and automation technologies, AI is enhancing efficiency and sustainability across the sector. These advancements are driving significant improvements in the overall management of water resources.
>>> artificial intelligence
Digital twins, serving as virtual replicas of physical objects, processes, or services provide a detailed and controlled environment for studying processes, collecting data, and simulating outcomes. This integration allows for real-time data analysis and decision-making, facilitating a more precise and comprehensive approach to water management through applications such as detecting water leakages and predicting situations like floods in water networks.
>>> artificial intelligence
The relationship between digital twins and predictive analytics is symbiotic, with digital twins providing the detailed data needed for predictive analytics to forecast future scenarios and optimize operations. Through the application of AI, digital twins, and predictive analytics, the water management sector is witnessing significant advancements that promise to enhance sustainability, reduce waste, and improve the efficiency of water usage on a global scale.
>>> artificial intelligence
Gradiant’s SmartOps Digital leverages machine learning AI for the optimization and prediction of plant operations. We’re using historical and real-time process data to deliver immediate productivity improvements and cost savings, as well as reduce the carbon and water footprints in systems where our solutions are installed.
>>> artificial intelligence
Last year, Gradiant established Turing, our digital and AI business focused on water usage to deliver transformative value and improved operational efficiency for clients. We see AI as an essential technology for moving the needle on water sustainability for organizations across the globe.
Awareness, Opportunity, & Innovation
The trends shaping the water sector in 2024 reflect a broader recognition of the critical importance of water management in sustaining our planet. As we look forward to the innovations and advancements on the horizon, there is ample reason for optimism about the future of water sustainability.
Abordar el problema de la escasez mundial de agua empieza por centrarse en uno de los usuarios más intensivos: la industria. Gracias a nuestras soluciones únicas, ayudamos a las principales marcas del mundo a reducir, recuperar y renovar el agua que utilizan. Es hora de replantearse el agua como el flujo de valor más crítico para las principales industrias del mundo. El agua no es sólo una pieza del rompecabezas, ES el rompecabezas.